Monday, October 12, 2009
I hope you found yours
I almost choked myself with my own tears. If I were to believe Paulo Coelho's words, and I do believe in soulmate, I could fairly say I did met my other half not too long ago. It was a brief encounter that would last me a lifetime. And if I have to do it over and over again in my next incarnation, to find my way through my soulmate's arms and kisses until one day fate would keep us apart, I'd never waste time and never let that someone pass by. It would be the same feeling that would keep my heart beating. It would be the same reason that would paint smile in my lips. And that someone will always be in my thoughts and my dreams. Now, I think, that justifies the intensity of love I am feeling for the rest of my days.
Monday, September 21, 2009
Sunday, September 20, 2009
i lost my only one
i remember your face
that's always glistening
as you wake up smiling
then the rain starts to drizzle
it takes me back in time
when i feel your hug
never fails to warm me up
as the sun sets down
i get so melancholy
but i thought how we once enjoyed
this God's greatest mastery
now i will let myself sleep
as the stars twinkle in the dark
let my mind free itself
from all the twinge of the past
when? i could only hope
the warmth of your touch
moist of your breath
curves of your body
the sweet smell of your skin
i will
forever long for it
drenched with it
imagine touching it
savor every scent of you
for now
i will patiently wait
forever anticipate to that day
when we become one
and feel your touch once again
Wednesday, July 29, 2009
If You Forget Me [Pablo Neruda]
one thing.
You know how this is:
if I look
at the crystal moon, at the red branch
of the slow autumn at my window,
if I touch
near the fire
the impalpable ash
or the wrinkled body of the log,
everything carries me to you,
as if everything that exists:
aromas, light, metals,
were little boats that sail
toward those isles of yours that wait for me.
Well, now,
if little by little you stop loving me
I shall stop loving you little by little.
If suddenly
you forget me
do not look for me,
for I shall already have forgotten you.
If you think it long and mad,
the wind of banners
that passes through my life,
and you decide
to leave me at the shore
of the heart where I have roots,
that on that day,
at that hour,
I shall lift my arms
and my roots will set off
to seek another land.
if each day,
each hour,
you feel that you are destined for me
with implacable sweetness,
if each day a flower
climbs up to your lips to seek me,
ah my love, ah my own,
in me all that fire is repeated,
in me nothing is extinguished or forgotten,
my love feeds on your love, beloved,
and as long as you live it will be in your arms
without leaving mine.
Monday, June 22, 2009
My Tony,
So you'd imagine how I felt when it actually happened--the thing I feared most. Just thinking about it makes me catch my breath because it was the worst fear in my breathing moments: losing you.
You see, I died when I lost you. I died but my body won't let me. I died inside but my body still moves-walking around, maybe doing some robot stuffs each day like waking up in the morning, going to the toilet, brushing my teeth, combing my hair, wearing my shoes, going off to work, coming off to work, eating my dinner, watching tv, going to bed... I'm all dead inside. Maybe what keeps my heart beating are memories of you imprinted on it. Maybe that's what it keeps me alive, what keeps me breathing, what keeps me from having the eternal sleep. Every night I sleep with you in mind, with you in my dreams. And I dread waking up from those dreams because the moment I open my eyes, all I got are just your lingering memories.
One day I know I'd see you again. Just thinking about it makes me want to cry because I know I'd be holding your hand forever just to say goodbye.
If only I could tell you this:
i love you. i still do. i will always love you. because my heart refuses not
My dearest Tony,
remember when i told you i see us grow old together? it never left my mind. i can still see you and me together. holding hands. loving each other. celebrating our life together, the love we shared.
i love you and no matter how it hurts, i will always feel the same way for you. i want to stop loving you. i want to hate you. but my heart feels otherwise. i gave you my heart. i know you still have it. i won't ask for you to give it back. it's yours. its yours to keep. i don't know if you gave your heart to me but the love you showered me will forever keep me warm, keep me forever alive. i love you. i'm crying right now not because of the hurt you gave me, but of the love you gave me.
i will always love you. my future is with you. my life will never be complete without you. i can never imagine kissing someone's lips other than your lips. i remember the days when we're still friends. when we ride on any public transport. i look at the driver's mirror, not to check how i look, but to stare at your lips that i wanted to kiss even the first time i saw you in cubao. and when you kissed me six years ago, i remember i ask for one, two, three, four more. i love the feeling. i always love the feeling when you kiss me.
i am crying right now not because i can't kiss you lips. i'm crying because i can't wait for our next kiss.
i love you. no matter how it hurts.
i love you. i don't know if i can still win you back. i don't know if this love could bring you back but i will always love you.
i love you. i can never imagine opening my eyes in the morning not seeing you beside me, giving me the morning hug, morning kiss, morning stare, morning smile, morning caress. i love you.
i am crying right now not because my morning is always empty in this room miles away from the room we share. i am crying because i miss touching your smiling face.
i am crying. i am always crying. not for the pain you gave me. not for the fact that you fell in love with someone else. i am crying because i love you. i can't stop loving you. i love you. it maybe too late for you to know. but i love you.

i have a message
i'm gonna tell you something
i really wanted to tell you something
even if it cuts so deep
even after all what happened
even if i felt i was betrayed
even if it's not the right thing
even though i should let you be
even though i know you're now happy
and i'm miserable
i will put it in a bottle
let it float through the sea
till it find its way to you
i hope you'd read it
it says:
i love you
i miss you
i'll see you soon
i hope you'd still love me again one day
i hope i can make you happy again
Clouds my mind
I am being foolish,
I am being ignored
How could I ever forget you?
I am smiling
But something inside is always crying
I have all my ways to forget you
But I have kept so much memories
Like a web spun endlessly round and round
When I feel like dying,
my feelings always revive me to life
It might take a lifetime of heartbeats
to finally forget you
I can't stop loving you
I count the days,
the hours,
the minutes that passed
Until I reached that second
that will bring me closer to you
Sunday, June 14, 2009
Dear Tony,
Could I ever forget what had transpired exactly seven years ago, a day after your birthday-where I managed to save a few from my 2-week allowance just to be able to buy you a cake-in which I was terribly disappointed because I had to hand it to your father instead to you because you had to be in school while I skipped mine just for that mini-surprise I had in mind. That day, one sunny afternoon, where I rushed my way home just to catch you coming home from university. Where I pretended I'm good playing basketball but knew I'm the worst by the way you and your sister secretly looking at each other while eyeing how I just relentlessly threw the ball to the rim and let the ball bounce everywhere but really, I just thought I had to figure a way to be 'in' just to be able to play with you all afternoon.
That cloudless, starry evening, where we sat across each other while you seating on a wooden bench, I was comfortably slouched on the cold, cemented landing talking nonsense for hours until I noticed you can't help but keep yawning and rubbing the sleepiness from your eyes. I could go on for hours, you see, because I didn't want the evening to end. It was the happiest day of my life: spending that evening with you for first time.
I remember it clearly. Honestly, I'm trying to forget it. I'm trying to forget you. But I simply can't. I remember it vividly that it stings. A memory I thought I could bury deep enough somewhere where I could never remember but it surfaced just in time to give me this bittersweet feeling but to tell the truth, it's a numbing experience I don't want you to feel ever.
I want to forget you, my love. I want to forget the cake I gave you in which I thought was your favorite flavor. The cake I carefully carried in my arms despite the unstable ride I had to your place. The cake I never ate with you. I want to forget that sunny afternoon where I nearly killed myself from running for a ride to escape traffic on my way home. I want to forget the way I looked at you while you were playing and I'm outside the basketball court, waiting for you to ask me to come in and play with you. I want to forget how beautiful you were that day. I want to forget that I fell in love with you that very same day.
I just want to forget everything that happened days after that.
But how could I? When it's all too clear it seemed happened yesterday.
You don't know how much I'm missing you.
I want to forget but it hurts all the way.
Forever here,